Friday, July 01, 2005

Lemurian Mysteries

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"Raven gave birth to wind's egg. From this egg rose the Goddess of Love, the one who arouses desire and fuels creation. This Goddess who represent the spirit of love, fertility and creation, was the oldest and at the same time the youngest of the Goddesses. It was the Goddess, the matchmaker, who agitated(libido) and paired heaven and earth, ocean and and the land. Before Her no immortal beings existed. From the Goddess of Love came libido which in turn birthed the immortals who sprang to life on the wings of ravenous love."

For the purposes of this fantasy, for the purpose of creating The Lemurian Mysteries, I am proposing that Lemuria was a matriarchal society that sprang from a cosmic egg, that it was the site of the first Garden of Eden, was the place where people lived in peace and harmony.


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